posted by Addie Eichhorn, June 30 2013

Today Emily and I were reflecting on the new friendships that we’ve made at Eighth Day Farm. After almost two months of working and living together, we interns have bonded so much. From my perspective we have become good friends. We laugh together and are vulnerable with each other.  It seems that our group of interns has become a microcosm of family. In the field we bond through our shared experiences: sore bodies, hungry bellies, getting drenched in the rain, singing with or without the boom box, and praying. We are learning about each other’s personalities, strengths, and weaknesses.  I’m so thankful for these new relationships. Before this internship I was nervous about meeting the interns and the Eighth Day Farm community. Now I can’t imagine being anywhere else with different people.

By no means are we perfect and complete. There is always space for more development. Lo and behold Kimberly joined our group last week. She was so brave to join this internship midway through the summer. I don’t think I could have done it, especially knowing that the other interns had gotten close. She is a fun person to be around and I look forward to getting to know her better. There’s a special place for her in this internship program. She has already brought a new energy and enthusiasm to the group. Her excitement for the farm has helped remind us of why we are here. I appreciate Kimberly’s willingness to jump in to this internship experience. I especially enjoy speaking Spanish with her-we have had some great conversations about our study abroad experiences, family, our aspirations and life. It’s great to have her here and we all hope she feels welcome. Bienvenidos Kimber!

As you can tell, community has played a huge part of my experience at Eighth Day. I am starting to deeply care for my new friends and am learning so much from them.  We often pray for each other’s’ needs. Together we are sharpened, especially in our faith. Although I am an introvert and don’t like being around crowds much, I love it when all of the interns are together. I miss them when they’re not around. God has been ever present in this community and I am looking forward to the rest of our summer together!



Learn about intern, Addie Eichhorn