Growing healthy nutrient-dense food is the central focus of what we do at Eighth Day. All the food grown on the farm is Certified Naturally Grown. We distribute food through a CSA, Farmers Market, and several community organizations working to reduce food insecurity.
At the Market
Find us at the Holland Farmers Market, located at the Holland Civic Center.
Summer Market: Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8am – 2pm.
Winter Market: First & third Saturdays January – April, 9am – 1pm.
In Eighth Day Farm’s CSA (Community-Supported Agriculture), members pay a lump sum before the start of the growing season to subscribe to the year’s vegetables. Each week from June through October, members come to pick up their share. As a member, you’ll receive a steady stream of fresh, local, Certified Naturally Grown produce at a fair price, while giving us predictable income and reduced risk. It’s a win-win! Read more . . .
(You will be redirected to our online shop at Barn2Door)
Naturally Grown 
Certified Naturally Grown is the grassroots alternative to Organic and is designed for small farms, not agribusiness. The standards are largely the same with the main difference being the inspection process, which is carried out by a local farmer instead of an auditor from the USDA. The local farmer-inspector is best suited to ask specific questions based on their knowledge of the local pest pressures and farming challenges, and to make helpful suggestions to improve the farm’s sustainability. Check out our profile on the CNG website to view our inspection info.
Eighth Day Farm doesn’t knowingly use any synthetic pesticides, herbicides, fungicides or GMO seeds. We test our soil bi-annually and make amendments as needed. Our inputs largely consist of the compost we create on-site, poultry and fish fertilizer, and mineral amendments. We farm to feed the people in our community and the biology in the soil.