Eggplants (Aubergines)

 What are they and what do I do with them? I am not sure why in America we need to be obtuse and call them eggplants.  I feel so refined when I call them aubergines, even if my pronunciation is weak.  In preparing for this equally weak post I found some satisfying trivia. Did you […]

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What is it and what do I do with it? Cucumber is a member of the Cucurbita family along with melons, gourds, and squashes. There are a wide variety of cucumbers out there, but a question that has come up at recent pick ups is the difference between “regular” cucumbers and pickling cucumbers. There are […]

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What are they and what do I do with them? Beets are divine. I have found that most who do not like them have only had them pickled and out of a can or jar.  If you recall, they are in the beet family with swiss chard and sugar beets. I will not get too […]

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Green Beans

What are they and what do I do with them? Yes, we all know beans.  I cannot easily pronounce the family it comes from, but I must say it is Fabaceae.  See?  They are joined with fava, white, kidney, lima, pinto, and many more.  Yet there is some value in continuing to read this otherwise […]

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Bunching Onions

What are they and what do I do with them? Green onions are a proud part of the allium family. Also known as scallions these impart a mild onion flavor and the whole plant is edible. With a 100g serving there is over 150% of the RDA in Vitamin K along with decent levels of […]

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Summer Squash and Zucchini

What is it and what do I do with it? Summer squash is a catchall for a variety of squashes grown during the summer. Go figure. Yes. zucchini is one type of summer squash Including yellow, zucchini, pattypan, and round and oval. With Eighth Day the focus is on yellow and zucchini squashes. These are very […]

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Swiss Chard

What is it and What do I do with it? Swiss Chard is a member of the beet family along with table beets and sugar beets. It is rich in a variety of phytonutrients, minerals, and vitamins. A 100g serving includes 100% RDA of Vitamin C and 700% of Vitamin K.It is also a good […]

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Garlic and Garlic Scapes

Garlic is not simply the bulbs with which we are so familiar. As they grow there is sturdy green flower stem called a scape. Garlic scapes are one of the more curious items people encounter at a CSA. In honor its diversity we bring you a Cooking Tips double header. Garlic Scapes What is it and what […]

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What is it and What do I do with it? These lovely little brassica gems come in a variety of forms including daikon, watermelon, green, black Spanish, and red globe. The latter two tend to be the most peppery of the mix. The vitamin levels are more modest with 100g containing 25% of the RDA […]

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What is it and what do I do with it? This headless, leafy green trendy super food is part of the brassica family. There are many varieties ranging from the smooth leafed cavalo nero to the Scottish curly leaf. The list of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants seem never ending. In short, one cup averages over […]

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